Facing History-HKHTC Series on Remembering Nanjing
香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心-Facing History 南京暴行歷史講座及教師工作坊

To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the atrocities at Nanjing, Facing History and Ourselves and the Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre co-presented a series of events in partnership with Asia Society Hong Kong. Many educators, community members, and guests attended our event series this December.

為紀念南京暴行80週年,香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心與Facing History and Ourselves和亞洲協會香港中心舉辦了一系列活動。

1. Public Event
Remembering Nanjing: 80 Years Later

Keynote Presentation by Professor Rana Mitter
講者:牛津大學Rana Mitter 教授

Friday 8 December 2017, 18:00 – 20:00
Asia Society Hong Kong, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Registration: http://asiasociety.org/hong-kong/events/remembering-nanjing-80-years-later


Rana Mitter
Rana Mitter is the Director of the China Centre at the University of Oxford, where he is Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China. Professor Mitter’s keynote addressed the importance of teaching the history of the Nanjing atrocities.

Rana Mitter
是英國牛津大學中國中心總監及現代中國歷史及政治系教授。Mitter 教授的演說著重講解「教育南京暴行的歷史的重要」。

2. FREE Educator Workshop
南京暴行教學工作坊 — 限教育工作者參加

Saturday 9 December 2017, 9:00 – 16:00
Asia Society Hong Kong, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Free admission; conducted in English


Using Facing History and Ourselves’ multimedia resource The Nanjing Atrocities: Crimes of War, educators will explore a rich multimedia collection of primary sources to place the Nanjing atrocities within the larger context of World War II in East Asia. We will also consider the complex questions this history raises about wartime violence, justice, legacy, and memory.

運用Facing History and Ourselves的多媒體資源「南京暴行:戰爭罪行」,教育工作者可以一同發掘大量東亞二戰期間南京暴行一手史料,以及思考戰時暴力、公義、遺物和記憶。

Juan Castellanos
Workshop facilitator, Juan Castellanos, Facing History senior program associate, modelled Facing History and Ourselves’ pedagogical approach through various teaching strategies to create a student-centered learning experience when teaching this difficult but important history.
Facing History and Ourselves的教育工作者 Juan Castellanos 帶領了是次南京暴行教學工作坊。
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