January 2017
The Post Magazine’s coverage of HKHTC’s events with Nobuki Sugihara, son of Righteous Among the Nations
We are delighted that our centre's events with Mr Nobuki Sugihara, son of the Japanese diplomat who saved many Jewish lives, and his family's heroic story during WWII are profiled in an in-depth article in [...]
Sunday Ming Pao’s Coverage of Nobuki Sugihara’s Visit: 25 September 2016
The HKHTC have had wonderful press coverage for the visit of Nobuki Sugihara, son of Righteous Among the Nations Chiune Sugihara. During his week-long visit in Hong Kong, Mr Sugihara toured 8 high schools [...]
Announcing the Winners: HKHTC’s 2015 Art & Writing Contest
HKHTC is proud to announce the following student winners: In the Visual Arts Category: Patrick Hawkey - Discovery College, for his sculpture illustrating Holocaust survivor Dan Pagis' iconic poem, "Written in Pencil in the [...]
Khamboly Dy, Head of Cambodia’s Genocide Education Project, Tours HK Schools
As our recent guest in Hong Kong, Khamboly Dy toured several schools and spoke to Year 9-13 students on the history of the Cambodian genocide. At each session, students had the opportunity to ask questions [...]
HKHTC Lecture at China’s Sun Yat-sen University
On March 26, 2015, HKHTC's Director of Education, Simon Goldberg delivered a lecture to some 50 undergraduates at China's Sun Yat-sen University, entitled "Foreshadowing the Holocaust: Antisemitism in European History". The lecture traced the origins [...]
HKIS Students Reflect on Sergeant Carrier’s Visit
In a recent article for their school newspaper, HKIS students reflected on the visit of Sergeant Rick Carrier, liberator of Buchenwald and veteran of the Second World War, during which he addressed an estimated 800 students. [...]