Teachers Workshop Why Teach Holocaust

2017-01-18T14:36:28+08:00Tags: , |

The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Yet why, as educators, should we teach it? In what ways is its scrutiny relevant to contemporary life? Are there valuable “lessons” it holds? To answer these questions, the Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre hosted a special workshop led by Ephraim Kaye, Director of International Seminars at Yad Vashem—Israel’s Holocaust Museum—and a world-renowned Holocaust educator.

Sara Atzmon schools visits 28th April – 7th May 2014

2017-04-06T17:51:16+08:00Tags: , |

As our guest in Hong Kong, Mrs Atzmon visited 9 schools and Universities in Hong Kong and Macau, talking to well over 1000 students.

The schools visited ranged from International schools and Band 1 local schools, to schools where there were many students from ethnic minorities with high diversity.

Mrs Atzmon told students about her experiences during the Holocaust. She also explained the inspiration behind her paintings and shared images of her work. Each student was given a catalogue from her exhibition, which contained reproductions and explanations of the artwork displayed  as well as her biography and a general introduction to the Holocaust.

During her visit, Mrs Atzmon also met with visiting student groups at the Goethe-Institut and UMAG as well as address an intimate audience at the Jewish Community Centre.

Please contact info@hkhtc.org if you wish to have a copy of the catalogue.
Photos of Mrs Atzmon’s school visits in Hong Kong – Click on any image to view this gallery as a slideshow:

Sara Atzmon visit to Shenzhen – April 27th 2014

2017-01-18T14:07:50+08:00Tags: , |

As part of her visits to schools and educational institutions, Sara Atzmon visited the Baoan Social Welfare Centre, which is an which is an orphanage in Shenzhen, China. Sara shared her remarkable story of hardship and survival with a group of long-term residents at the Centre, including adults and children of various ages.

She also conducted a special art workshop with the group, who painted images they had in mind after hearing Sara’s moving story. These were exhibited on a wall alongside copies of her own artwork.

The students also joined in a concert and an exchange of music and dances with Mrs Atzmon. It was a wonderful educational and cultural exchange for all.

‘Surviving Evil – The Pictorial Language of Sara Atzmon’ Feb 25th – May 4th 2014

2020-12-31T09:19:57+08:00Tags: , , , |

The HKHTC was delighted to jointly host two exhibitions, in collaboration with Hong Kong University and the Goethe-Institut HongKong of the artwork of renowned Holocaust survivor and artist Sara Atzmon.

Mrs. Atzmon’s Holocaust-themed work was on display from February 25th- May 4th at the University Museum and Art Gallery at Hong Kong University and concurrently, in April at the Goethe Institut Hong Kong.

The exhibition opening on February 25th was widely reported in the press.

The exhibition was also profiled in HK Magazine, The Standard, Sing Tao, as well as ‘Editors choice’ in the SCMP weekend listings for the full run of the exhibition.

Over 460 students visited the exhibition as part of organised school tours.

Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Memorial Day, Sunday April 27th 2014

2020-12-31T09:26:50+08:00Tags: , |

This years Yom Hashoah ceremony took place at the University Museum and Art Gallery at the University of Hong Kong, Bonham Road.

This unique memorial event was held amongst the paintings of survivor and artist Sara Atzmon who addressed the memorial event recounting her experiences during the Holocaust.

Guests were deeply moved by her haunting and dramatic paintings as well as the compositions and readings throughout the ceremony.

This event was covered by Ta Kung Pao and Jewish Times Asia. 

Lecture at Maryknoll Convent – April 11th 2014

2017-01-18T13:53:40+08:00Tags: , |

The HKHTC were delighted to be invited to Maryknoll Convent to educate 800 students about the Holocaust.

One of our Educational Committe members, Dr Martin Chung delivered the lecture and answered questions from students afterwards.

The students were highly engaged and interested in the topics covered and this talk illustrates the important work of going into schools to deliver Holocaust education and making contacts with students.

Goethe-Institut Hongkong – exhibition opening April 2nd 2014

2017-01-18T13:47:28+08:00Tags: , , |

On April 4th, Dr Florian Knothe, Director of the University Museum and Art Gallery, gave a guided visit and lecture about the paintings of Sara Atzmon, was exhibiting her art at the Museum in conjunction with the HKHTC and Goethe-Institut Hongkong.

“Ms. Atzmons artworks, many of which are large-scale, highly impactful paintings, reflect the artist’s memories of her horrible experiences during the Shoah. In 1944, Ms. Atzmon was first deported to Strasshof and from there she was sent to Bergen-Belsen under terrible circumstances.  As an adult, Ms. Atzmon became a talent painter dedicated to use her, often very dramatic and explicit, paintings, to bring awareness to the cruel times in our fairly recent past, and to educate a young generation to treasure and practice tolerance, and foster understanding and compassion between people of different religions and cultural backgrounds”

Goethe-Institut Hongkong – exhibition opening April 2nd 2014

2017-01-18T13:44:53+08:00Tags: , , |

The Sara Atzmon Exhibition was officially opened at the Goethe-Institut Hongkong on 2nd April and closed on 3rd May.

This exhibition was running in parallel with Mrs Atzmon’s exhibition at the University Museum and Art Gallery at the University of Hong Kong.  The Goethe-Institut also screened three excellent Holocaust related films to compliment their educational work, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the defeat of Nazism and the 25th anniversary of re-unification.

The artworks exhibited varied from the pieces at UMAG and wonderfully complimented the exposure of Mrs Atzmons educational and artistic work to the Hong Kong public.

Goethe-Institut received over 530 individual vistors to the exhibition as well as at least 100 students who visited on pre arranged tours.

Sara Atzmon exhibition opening – February 25th 2014

2020-12-31T09:19:56+08:00Tags: |

We were delighted to welcome to Hong Kong, artist and Holocaust survivor Sara Atzmon, who opened her exhibition ‘Surviving Evil- the Pictorial Landscape of Sara Atzmon’  on 25th February at Hong Kong University Museum and Gallery.

Guests of honour at the opening included Tsang Tak-sing Secretary for Home Affairs, Eddie Ng Hak-kim, Secretary for Education, Regina Ip LEGCO Representative, Mr Sagi Karni Consul General of The State of Israel and Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorf Consul General of The Federal Republic of Germany.

The exhibition runs until May 4th and was covered by a variety of press.

Here is a piece by Asian Jewish Life 

January 27th 2014

2017-04-03T09:36:38+08:00Tags: , |

UN Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration at the Jewish Community Centre

This year we were delighted to welcome Olga Horak as a guest speaker at our commemoration event. Olga is a Slovak born Australian who survived Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen concentration camps.

She gave a moving address to distingushed guests, community members, students and other supporters at this event.



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