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So far admin@HKHTC has created 135 blog entries.

Statement on Coronavirus-related incidents of discrimination and violence

2020-06-11T21:21:19+08:00Tags: |

The Coronavirus outbreak poses a grave health risk to millions of people across the globe. Authorities have imposed unprecedented restrictions to ordinary life to reduce the rate of infections. This disease threatens not only its victims and their loved ones, as well as the ability of health systems to treat the sick, but it also runs the risk of damaging the core values that underpin society.

The Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre (“HKHTC”) is concerned about – and strongly condemns – the large number of incidents in different countries of Coronavirus-related discrimination, stereotyping and physical violence. People have been attacked in the streets, school-children bullied and online, racist vitriol is rampant.

In these intensely testing times, it is imperative to remember that a disease knows no boundaries and does not distinguish among people. It affects ALL HUMANS regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious, linguistic, national, social or cultural backgrounds.

This disease will not be overcome by blame, prejudice and hatred, which will exacerbate the challenges we all face. It can only be fought effectively in an effort BY ALL to temporarily minimise social contact, by strictly adhering to good hygiene and enabling the world’s leading scientists to develop proven cures and vaccines, as well as by showing solidarity with those who need our help. It is at times like this that we should continue showing kindness, empathy and compassion to all those around us.

Through its educational programming, HKHTC is dedicated to promoting tolerance and compassion among all peoples as an essential key to a healthier and better world for everyone.

Yom HaShoah 2020 – Virtual Commemoration

2021-02-26T12:45:22+08:00Tags: |


Every year, we come together in Hong Kong to remember and honour those who perished in the Holocaust. Even though we are all social-distancing amid COVID-19, we can utilise online platforms to come together virtually as we remember and pay tribute in this year’s Yom HaShoah.

The Yom HaShoah 2020 virtual commemoration took on April 20 at 7:30pm on our social media platform. It can be watched here to remember and pay tribute.

HKHTC Executive Director Simon K. Li Discussed the Rise of Anti-Semitic Attacks on FM88.1 Commercial Radio

2020-01-24T00:01:04+08:00Tags: |

As we enter into the new year of 2020, acts of anti-Semitism are on the rise in New York and elsewhere, leaving Jewish community rattled. HKHTC Executive Director Simon K. Li recently discussed the rise of anti-Semitic attacks on FM88.1 Commercial Radio’s “Clearday Breakfast”.

新年伊始,反猶主義繼續在美國崛起,據統計,2019年因歧視犯罪的受害者增幅達22%,歐洲包括法國及英國等地有店家遭反猶標誌塗鴉,也有猶太墓園遭破壞。香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心行政總監、歷史學者李家豪最近在商台雷霆881《晴朗早晨全餐》 節目內討論西方社會近期出現的反猶暴力事件。

UN Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration 2020: South China Morning Post’s Coverage

As the world commemorates the 75th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation today, our UNHMD guest Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss recounts how she was torn from her happy childhood in Vienna and ‘saved’ from the concentration camp’s angel of death, Josef Mengele, by a hat. The full feature from the South China Morning Post can be read here

UN Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration 2020: Ming Pao Daily’s Coverage


The International Holocaust Memorial Day issue of Ming Pao Daily, which is widely read among local intellectuals, has published a feature article on Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss, covering her life story and her views on the rise of anti-Semitic attacks, along with a story on HKHTC’s recent Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration and local school tour. Please click here to read the full story.

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