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So far admin@HKHTC has created 135 blog entries.

The Chinese University Published a Feature on HKHTC Director of Education’s Lessons from the Past


The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Varsity Magazine, which is widely read on university campuses and local schools, has just published a special feature on HKHTC Director of Education Simon Li’s lessons from the past and our educational work in the ‘People’ section of its March edition. The online version of the feature story can be accessed here.

HK01 Features HKHTC’s Educational Work on the Nanjing Atrocities


Chinese-language press HK01 recently covers HKHTC’s educational work on the Nanjing atrocities in Hong Kong. HKHTC Director of Education Simon K. Li and Oxford University’s China scholar Rana Mitter, who gave a keynote presentation “Remembering Nanjing: 80 Years Later” during a commemorative event co-organized by the HKHTC in December 2017, were interviewed in the feature article. An excerpt of the article can be accessed here.


SCMP Features HKHTC Director’s Interviews with Chinese Survivors during WWII


HKHTC Director of Education and Yad Vashem’s Visiting Educator Simon Li’s interviews with Chinese survivors of the WWII received a full-page coverage in the South China Morning Post. The feature article can be read here.


75 Years On: Remembering Jewish Life in the Ghetto

2018-03-29T16:23:42+08:00Tags: |

In March 1943, the Warsaw Ghetto was nearing its end with less than 50,000 Jews remaining in the ghetto. A month later, a small group of young, starving Jewish fighters resisted the German liquidation of the ghetto in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which came to be engraved in Jewish memory after the war. As Holocaust survivors commemorate the 75th anniversary of the uprising next month, it is time to revisit what the situation of the Jewish people was once ghettoization became a reality.

Simon K. Li, the Director of Education of the Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre, conducted a well-attended public workshop on the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising at the Education University of Hong Kong on 22 March 2018. It was very encouraging to see many student teachers and current teachers in the audience!

HKHTC Event Series with Mo Asumang: Confronting Racism Face-to-Face

2018-04-20T08:25:53+08:00Tags: |

The German filmmaker, author and television presenter Mo Asumang knows how racism can make one feel: as a daughter of a German mother and a father from Ghana, she has experienced enough racist insults and discrimination in her everyday life. When she started to engage in fighting against racism and xenophobia, she received threatening letters. Mo Asumang has not been intimidated: in her documentary, Die Arier (The Aryans), she carried out a personal research on extreme right-wing circles – from German neo-Nazis up to the Klu Klux Klan in the United States. Her film was awarded the German Directors Award “Metropolis” in 2015 and was nominated for numerous awards. She tries to find out what is the idea behind “The Master Race” and why it is always about exclusion and violence against “the others”. Mo Asumang’s book Mo and the Aryans: Alone Among Racists and Neo-Nazis has always been a bestseller in Germany.

The Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre (HKHTC), the Goethe-Institut and the Hong Kong Baptist University were honoured to invite Mo Asumang to Hong Kong during the week of March 26 to present her film, give readings from her book and discuss with our audience the danger of racism and xenophobia today. Ms Asumang spoke at the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Chinese International School, Elsa High School, as well as the Jewish Community Centre during her trip in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly Features Holocaust Survivor Werner Reich


The March issue of the HKEJ Monthly, which is widely read among local intellectuals, has published a feature article on Holocaust survivor Werner Reich, covering his life story and his views on neo-Nazism and anti-immigration sentiments, along with a story on our recent Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration and local school tour. Please click here to read the full story.

JTA’s Coverage of the 2018 UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day


The 2018 UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed at HKHTC on January 25, received a full-page coverage on the Jewish Times Asia. The
theme for this year was “Holocaust Remembrance: Resistance and Resilience.”

Headline Daily Reports Holocaust Survivor Werner Reich’s Survival Story


The Headline Daily, the most-circulated local newspaper in Hong Kong, has published an article on Holocaust survivor Werner Reich’s suffering in the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp and our United Nations Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony 2018. Please click here to read the story.

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