It is my pleasure to welcome you to our website.
We are a purely voluntary organisation dedicated to Holocaust education, the preservation of memory and to ensure that lessons of tolerance can be learnt so that this may never happen again. Every year we organise Annual Ceremonies for UN Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27th), and Yom Hashoah. We also host visits from Holocaust survivors and talks by visiting academics. We sponsor films at the Hong Kong International Film Festival and Jewish Film Festival, and we take these around schools. We support teaching staff in schools with materials and guidance. We were established by a group motivated Hong Kong-based individuals who have been touched indirectly or directly by the Holocaust, and appreciate its historical importance and tremendous educational significance. Our first priority is to educate students and teachers on this difficult topic, with a view to creating a better, more tolerant society. East Asia has never had such an organisation and we are honoured to pioneer these efforts with the support of many like-minded organisations around the world. We welcome anyone who can contribute with their time, ideas or financial support.
Jeremy Amias
Chair Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre
The Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre (HKHTC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion, across Asia, of education and awareness of the Holocaust. Our goal is to become an international resource centre for scholars, teachers, students and the general public, through the creation and accessibility of locally relevant material in English, Chinese and other regional languages. The HKHTC actively promotes conferences, workshops, exhibits and remembrance events that use the lessons of history to prevent anti-Semitism, discrimination and genocide, as a way to advance tolerance and understanding among people, in order to make a positive contribution to our society and future generations.
香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心是非牟利組織。在第二次世界大戰期間猶太人曾遭大屠殺,本中心致力於在亞洲開展關於這場大屠殺的教育和增進公眾對此的認知。我們的目標是成為面向學者、教師、學生和普通公眾的國際資源中心,並建立中文、英文及其他語種的易於訪問的,且與本地社會有關的資料庫。本中心將積極舉辦研討會、工作坊、展覽及紀念活動,以歷史的教訓來防止反猶太主義、各種歧視及種族滅絕。本中心希望透過這些活動來增強人類彼此的寬容和理解, 為我們的社會及子孫後代作出建設性貢獻。

The principal organisation in Asia devoted to Holocaust education.
The Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre was founded in 2011. The Resource Centre was officially opened in May 2012.
Since its inception, HKHTC representatives have visited more than 50 Local and International schools in Hong Kong. This includes screenings of Holocaust related films and visits with Holocaust survivors who have shared their experiences with pupils. In addition, our Board members have been guest speakers at special assemblies and we have assisted teachers with curriculum-related enquiries.
The HKHTC has also held two outstanding public exhibitions, organised lectures and hosted visiting academics who have run Holocaust themed seminars. Other activities to date include running annual commemorative events for the United Nations Holocaust Memorial Day and Yom HaShoah. We are full members of The Association Of Holocaust Organisations which links us with major Holocaust education and survivor organisations globally.
- Read more about past HKHTC events.
- Find out about upcoming events.
- To view our full book catalogue click here
- For occasional updates – join our mailing list.
Recently, the HKHTC appointed Simon K. Li to be Director of Education. Simon came to the Centre in 2016 from a Hong Kong-based higher education institute, where he was a Senior Lecturer and served as Head of General Education. He researched at the University of Leicester and has been a commissioned guest editor of the UK-based academic journal Asian Education and Development Studies. His current work is focused on Holocaust education in Asia, the scholarship of teaching and learning about genocide, and the incorporation of film into the study of the Holocaust. He is dedicated to working with universities and schools in Asia to combat all kinds of prejudice. Simon has degrees in history from Queen’s University, Canada.
本中心亦曾舉辦講座以及多次在籌備以大屠殺為主題的研討會時招待來訪的學者。我們曾參與的其他活動包括:聯合國大屠殺紀念日和猶太大屠殺紀念日’Yom HaShoah’的紀念活動。我們也是大屠殺組織協會的成員,協助我們聯繫全球各大大屠殺教育和倖存者組織。

A vital aspect of our work is outreach to schools in Hong Kong
We offer screenings of specially selected films for schools, from the Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival. This is a novel and effective way of educating students about the Holocaust and encouraging further enquiry into the subject.We can also provide a speaker to introduce the film and run a Q and A session afterwards.
We are also working to assist schools in fulfilling their OLE commitments to the NSS Curriculum, and can provide speakers who can talk to the students about the Holocaust and tolerance. We have a Child Holocaust Survivor on our Board who is able to address students about his experiences.
The HKHTC is developing various travelling exhibitions that can be booked by schools. We have a generic exhibition about the Holocaust, as well as ones on specific themes such as Righteous Gentile – Raul Wallenberg,The Jews of Shanghai and about the life and work of Janusz Korczak. Many of these will be bilingual.
Our next project is to develop lesson plans and teachers guides on Holocaust related themes, as they fit into the Hong Kong Government schools curriculum, as well as IB and other school curricula.
Please contact us at info@hkhtc.org and we can tailor an exhibition or lesson plan to fit your requirements.
我們能為學校精心挑選並播放從香港猶太電影節放映的電影。在大屠殺教育而言,這是一個新穎而有效的方式以增進學生對大屠殺 的了解,並進一步鼓勵他們對這個題目加以探索。我們亦可以提供一個講者到場,為電影先作簡單介紹並在放映電影後舉行問答環節。我們非常樂意協助本地學校舉 辦與新高中課程中其他學習經歷相關的活動,邀請嘉賓到學校向學生進行大屠殺和有關寬容的教育。我們的董事會當中更有一位成員是大屠殺的兒童倖存 者,並能到訪不同學校分享他的經歷。
此外,我們還打算在2014年年初邀請大屠殺倖存者和藝術家薩拉· 阿之門(Sara Atzmon)來港,到各校舉行藝術展覽並邀請她分享自身經歷。我們正在籌畫各種可以供學校預約的巡迴展覽,內容包括勞爾·瓦倫堡( Raul Wallenberg)的一生、上海的猶太人以及雅努什‧歌之黑(Janusz Korczak)的工作和生平等。我們的下一個項目是為與大屠殺相關的主題製作教案和課程指引,並令它們能融入本地課程、國際文憑大學預科課程(IB)以 及其他學校的課程。